The males will have a more elongated nose and fuller lips. Mature females usually have fuller bodies with more rounded snouts. Males and females are fairly easy to differentiate. Aquarists have been able to document courtship displays during cooler water changes. Gold Zebra Loaches have not been bred in an aquarium environment. Golden Zebra Loaches are known to jump, so a secure lid is necessary to keep this fish. Making sure the fish has enough food, including fruit and vegetable matter, will decrease the chances of the fish chomping on the aquarium plants.

They do great with more durable plants and most mosses. The Golden Zebra Loach may munch on some of the soft leaf plants in the tank, so it is a good idea to keep an eye out for that. Gold Zebra Loaches prefer very clean water with high levels of oxygen. They are an active species that likes to swim, explore, and forage. The aquarium needs to have plenty of plants, rocks, and driftwood for the Golden Zebra Loach to explore. Most loaches will prey on tiny shrimp and snails, making them great fish to reduce pest snails. The Golden Zebra Loach is a predator of many invertebrates, including snails. It is probably safe to say Golden Zebra Loaches should not be counted on to do the heavy cleaning in the tank, either. The Zebra Loach will munch on some algae here and there, but aquarists do not recommend using them as the only cleaner fish in the tank. It is not clear if the Golden Zebra Loach eats algae. Plant matter can include cucumber, zucchini, melon, and more. While the fish will accept dry foods, it is recommended to include regular meals of live or frozen meaty foods such as cyclops, Daphnia, Artemia, Tubifex, and bloodworms.
They need a diet full of meaty foods with regular fruit and vegetable matter supplements. The Golden Zebra Loach is an omnivorous species. They usually range between 4 and 5 inches fully grown. When bought from a pet store, these fish will be between 2 and 3 inches. If the tank is at the higher end of the temperature range, it is important to maintain the high levels of dissolved oxygen in the water. They make a great addition to a freshwater aquarium with the proper care. They like to hang out in shady areas over a rocky, sandy riverbed with a lot of wood and leaves. In the wild, they live in slow-moving streams and rivers. Gold Zebra Loaches prefer to be kept in schools of 6 to 9 fish. They are hardy, adaptable, semi-aggressive fish. These fish like to hang out in the middle or lower levels of the aquarium. They can almost always be found swimming and foraging for food. The Gold Zebra Loach is an incredibly active fish. They have 5 broad black bars on their body with other black markings on their head and tail. They are small gold-colored fish with black stripes. Gold Zebra Loaches are commonly referred to by many other names: Burmese Loach, Golden Zebra Loach, Asian Loach, Silver Striped Loach, and Burmese Zebra Loach. This is a loach type that fishkeepers of various levels of experience, including beginners, can keep. The Gold Zebra Loach ( Botia histrionica) is a freshwater fish originally from Myanmar, India.